Everspin announced several new applications and customers for its MRAM solutions. First up is the new nvNITRO storage accelerator product family. These new cards (aimed for demanding applications such as financial transactions) are available in either 1Gb or 2Gb, and are based on Everspin's 256Mb DDR STT-MRAM chips. Later this year Everspin will release new models based on its 1Gb DDR4 chips which will enable capacities up to 16Gb.
Everspin says that the nvNITRO operate at a very fast 1,500,000 IOPS with 6-ms end-to-end latency. Everspin is testing the first cards at customers now, and initial production will begin in Q2 2017.
Everspin also announced a new software script that modifies the existing Xilinx Memory Interface Generator (MIG) DDR3 DRAM controller to make it compatible with the Everspin 256 Megabit ST-MRAM DDR3 memory today. A script for the 1Gb DDR STT-MRAM will be provided later this year.
Finally, Evespin announced that JAG Jakob's PdiCSTM Process Control Systems utilize the company's MR4A16B 16Mb MRAM chips. Everspin says taht JAG chose Everspinâs 16Mb MRAM in their PdiCSTM family because it is the only technology that ensures a 20-year lifetime with constant 24/7 uptime.